Malay Wedding

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Daddy’s best friend is a Malay and he invited us to his family’s member wedding. Gor Gor and Di Di were very excited to go for the wedding as it was their first time attending a Malay wedding.
It is good to expose the children to different culture and grow to appreciate the beauty of it.
Here, we are at the entrance of the venue and the wedding was held at a country club ballroom.
What a beautiful stage!
For some reasons, Di Di was so attracted to the couch on stage that he kept wanting to go up to the stage and Gor Gor accompanied him whenever Di Di wanted to go to the stage.
The host gave the boys chocolates to eat in case they were hungry while waiting for the wedding to start. Thank you for being so thoughtful to us, we love chocolates! Look how happy the boys are holding onto the packet of chocolates and they finished them all at the wedding.
Can you spot us? “Hint: We sat quite near to the stage”.


Wow, look at the beautiful bride’s long train …


Di Di was fascinated with the dry ice.

Here comes the bride and the bridegroom.

Cake cutting ceremony.



On behalf of everyone in our family, we would like to express our heartfelt Congratulations to the beautiful couple and may you have a happy and blissful marriage!

Di Di has been walking up and down the aisle and clapping his hands, expressing his happiness. 

The Happy Family. Thank you for inviting us and for your wonderful friendships!


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