Care for My World an entertaining and meaningful musical for the whole family!

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Care for My World is one of the services and solutions designed and produced by Sustainable Green Solutions which is a new and innovative Green Education Programme that teaches the young and old to think, act and care for people and for our planet. 

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Our Parenting World, Gor Gor and Di Di were invited to Care For My World musical, they were so excited!

About Care For My World musical, it is a fun filled musical and educational show for children and families.

This musical is interactive, audience will laugh, sing and learn as Brendon, Cathie and Pio Pio will show you how you can make a difference to your environment, habitat and to people in your world.


Our Parenting World is pleased to promote and feature this meaningful campaign. Please click HERE to read about our interview with the lovely couple, Brendon and Cathie who have more than 30 years of experiences in child education, professional entertainment and music publishing. They have worked in Australia and a further 21 nations with some of the world’s largest and most successful children organisations and community groups. Written over 200 songs and produced 11 albums, their songs have touched many lives across the world and have people dancing, singing and celebrating life. 


Brendon, Cathie and Pio Pio which is the green mascot and ambassador for Care For My World. It was being named after an extinct bird in New Zealand due to extensive deforestation. Brendon and Cathie also invited their students to come on stage to perform with them. 


Brendon and Cathie sang and performed many songs to the delight of the audience. 




The children were invited to come up front to dance and sing along with Brendon and Cathie. Gor Gor and Di Di went up and join in the singing and dancing.


There were also games to create awareness and teach the children about caring for the environment. 


Meaningful messages and stories were told throughout the musical. 


Our Parenting World would like to thank the kind and lovely Care For My World organisers, Sustainable Green Solutions for inviting us and the lovely couple, Brendon and Cathie for taking our interviews and their spectacular performances. They will be back next year, do look out for it and don’t miss this highly entertaining and meaningful musical which is suitable for the whole family!


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