Daddy’s professional advice on how to avoid food poisoning when travelling to countries with poor hygiene

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This article is the follow-up on the earlier article on India.
People are more adventurous now and for travelling, they are looking for more exotic locations like India, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos etc, compared to the more traditional locations like Hong Kong, Japan or Korea.
One thing which most traveller worries about going to these exotic locations is food poisoning. Sometimes we wonder why is it that the people staying in these countries do not get food poisoning and yet travellers like us from Singapore do? The reason is that the people who are staying in these countries have build up their immunity over the years while we have been living in the clean environment for a long time and our immune system is weak. Thus we are more prone to food poisoning when we travelled to these exotic locations.
My simple advice when it comes to food and drinks when you are in these countries are “Boil it, Peel it, Cook it or Leave it”. That means when you are consuming food in these countries, you should either consumed food that are cooked properly, or for fruits, the skins are peeled off, otherwise leave them alone. Try to buy sealed bottle mineral water to drink instead of drinking tap water. For cold drinks, you can drink refrigerated canned drinks but not iced drinks as the ice cubes maybe obtained from water which was not boiled.
When you practices these safe tips, you would be able to avoid food poisoning and have a enjoyable trip there.

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