Exclusive Interview with Mr. Nor Ashraf Samsudin, Director of Specialised Educational Services at DAS and a Parent from DAS on her story with her dyslexic son

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Dyslexia is a condition that affects 10% of the world’s population. In Singapore, it is estimated that 23,000 preschool, primary and secondary students have dyslexia severe enough to warrant intervention. Research shows that early identification of special learning needs in children and intervention can be critical in enhancing their abilities and supporting them in developing to their maximum potential.

In 2016, MOE revealed that early intervention allowed 18,000 students with special needs to enter mainstream schools alongside their peers. This is a significantly higher figure compared to 11,000 students in 2012.

With this increasing awareness and concern on helping children with dyslexia, we have interviewed a DAS expert and a parent, who will be able to share their experiences and stories to help parents and caregivers to better understand and support children with dyslexia. 

Our Parenting World (OPW) team is pleased to be able to interview Mr. Nor Ashraf Samsudin, (NAS) Director of Specialised Educational Services at Dyslexia Association of Singapore (DAS) where he will share about early intervention, strategies to help and support people with dyslexia, and the programmes at DAS. This is followed by an interview with a parent who would like to share about her son with dyslexia but choose to remain anonymous. 

Exclusive Interview with Mr. Nor Ashraf Samsudin (NAS), Director of Specialised Educational Services at Dyslexia Association of Singapore

1) What are some signs of dyslexia and other specific learning differences in preschoolers? How to identify?

NAS: Some of the early indicators of dyslexia are:

  1. Poor phonological skills and rhymes
  2. Difficulties in paying attention when listening to stories indicating possible problems in following the sequence of stories or other attentional and focusing issues
  3. Difficulties with working memory possibly indicating problems in recalling two or more pieces of information
  4. Difficulties sequencing stories in order indicating problems with organisation and sequencing
  5. Difficulties in naming and ordering common items in sequence
  6. Coordination difficulties including fine and gross motor movements, faced by children with dyslexia and dyspraxia, apparent during general physical activities as well as in writing
  7. A family history of dyslexia

2) How does early intervention for dyslexic preschoolers allow them to seamlessly enter mainstream school alongside peers?

NAS: Early intervention for preschoolers who may be at risk of dyslexia would provide them with the necessary skills and strategies in reading, spelling and writing to strengthen their foundation and grasp of the language. This will in turn enable them to enter mainstream schools with a stronger footing alongside their peers.

3) Besides reading and spelling, what else will the child find difficulty in? Speech? Other forms of expression?

NAS: Other than reading and spelling, a dyslexic child may face some coordination difficulties and therefore may appear clumsy. They may also find tasks requiring fine motor skills, like tying shoelaces, challenging. They may face difficulties in sequencing and recalling of information due to challenges in sequencing and working memory. Telling directions and distinguishing right from left can also be challenging for some.

Mr Nor Ashraf Samsudin

4) What are some main strategies and tips that are effective in helping a child with such learning differences?

NAS: a) Parents can help children who may be at risk of dyslexia by conducting activities to help them develop word attack skills, including: 

i. Blending and segmenting of words into onset (beginning of words) and rime (remainder of the words)

ii. Games that promote the blending, segmenting and deleting of phonemes

iii. Games for identifying beginning, middle and ending sounds

iv: Blending of longer words

b) Parents can also establish a routine of reading together (paired reading) before bedtime to instil a love for reading in their children. Before the reading sessions, parents are encouraged to hold discussions on the book with their children and ask them predictive questions to facilitate comprehension.

5) How and where can parents seek help?

NAS: It is important for parents to seek help immediately if they suspect that their preschool children are at risk of dyslexia. Early intervention is crucial. They can approach any of the 13 DAS learning centres for a free screening or enrol in our preschool classes. They can also sign up for regular screening exercises conducted by DAS for the public. It is important to note that these screenings are not meant to be diagnostic as a full assessment for dyslexia is only possible when the child reaches the age of six. 

Thank you Mr. Nor Ashraf Samsudin for sharing with us! 


Reid, G. (2011). Dyslexia: A complete guide for parents and those who help them. Chichester,

West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell.

Muter, V., & Likierman, H. (2008). Dyslexia: A parents’ guide. London: Vermilion.


A Parent from Dyslexia Association of Singapore who would like to share about her son with dyslexia:

Dyslexia Association of Singapore

1) What are some of the early signs noticed in your child?

P: My elder son who is in primary three this year is very bright from a young age. He has an inquisitive mind and is always asking questions. For example, when he was two years old, he would ask questions like: why is there blood in the body, why do we bleed when the doctor gives an injection and why does sea water not flow out of the globe since the earth is shaped like a ball?

We did what all parents would do by investing in books, hoping that our child would unlock the treasures of the world through them. However, he would insist on being read to and refuse to look at the words. Writing was difficult for him, but he could draw well. Sounding out letters of the alphabet was a major challenge for him, yet he was able to hum tunes that he had been listening to. By and large, he is an intelligent child, so I struggled to understand the reasons for his problems with reading and writing. It puzzled me as a first-time parent.

Picking up spelling at kindergarten one was particularly stressful for him, especially since he was not able to read or recite the alphabets confidently. Every day, he would cry over his homework, even though it might be as simple as tracing of words. He started disliking school and developed separation anxiety and inferiority complex. By kindergarten two, he was so discouraged that he would cry all the way to school. To him, going to school was like climbing the world’s highest mountain. He was exhausted, discouraged, stressed up and fearful of school. One day, he asked me why it was so hard for him to read and write, when it seemed so easy for the rest of his friends. He questioned, “Why am I so different?” That was when I knew he needed help.

2) When and how did you decide to intervene?

P: A family friend who volunteers as a child therapist for play therapy happened to notice his handwriting and signalled to me that he may be dyslexic. We contacted the Dyslexia Association of Singapore (DAS) to arrange for an assessment and he was diagnosed with high probability for dyslexia. Fortunately, he was offered a place in DAS almost immediately and could start on an early intervention programme during his third term in kindergarten two.

3) What kind of differences did early intervention support make to your child’s learning journey?

P: Early intervention made a whole lot of difference. For a start, children are easier to teach when they are younger and more manageable. As dyslexia has nothing to do with intelligence, early intervention paved the way for them to learn the proper techniques for reading and writing, and doing so at an early age is more beneficial in the long run. He became much happier and more confident. By the time he started primary one, his school assessed his reading level to be that of a six-year-old child.

At primary two, he was awarded a silver badge in school for reading more than 50 books that year. It was very encouraging for him. His English grades jumped from being in the range of 50s to 80s.

During his first term in primary three, he called me from school to say that he had scored 14 out of 15 marks for his spelling, which required him to write out sentences. Knowing that this was not an easy feat for him and for all kids with dyslexia, I cried upon hearing that he had done well. Early remediation made a big difference. Slowly but surely he will get there. Nowadays, he no longer fails his spelling. Instead, he would ask me to test his spelling skills! He has also started writing a journal of all his online games.

Dyslexia Association of Singapore DAS

4) As a parent, how do you motivate and support your children in their learning journey?

P: Being in Singapore, there are many courses and workshops to teach parents how to deal with children with dyslexia. DAS is one such organisation that runs many classes to help parents and keep them informed. Since attending a course on the Orton Gillingham approach to teaching dyslexic children, I have adopted that method for my son. Although I hold a professional degree, this area is totally new to me and it feels as if it is back to school again for me.

I would encourage my son by telling him that he is not alone and that I will walk with him through his learning journey. As it is a crucial time for him, I decided to be a full-time mother so that I can be with my children.

Physical activities are also fundamental in a child’s growth and development. We participate in many activities together. Finding an area that he is comfortable and excellent in is also important because this would boost his confidence level. Seeing that he has a sporty streak, I encourage him to pursue excellence in sports. When he was in primary two, he won two sports medal, a gold and a silver, at the national level. In March 2017, he won another silver medal at a national sports competition.

Nevertheless, it has been a tough journey. He would still whine whenever there is homework to be done and would protest for half an hour just to get through 10 minutes of homework. I would have to sit beside him whenever he studies or does his homework. Although this is very time consuming, it is important for parents to give our children all the encouragement and support that they need.

It is not always easy for him at school. Sometimes, other children will make nasty comments, especially since he may need more time to take notes or solve mathematical problems compared to his peers. However, his excellence in sports has helped him gain the confidence that he needs to also excel in school. I often encourage him to persist and to master the techniques in coping with dyslexia, which will enable him to excel in school.

Working closely with the school teachers is also important. If the teachers are unaware of how to manage dyslexic children, it would be good to share with them materials so that they will be able to handle the child better. For example, for my son’s primary one spelling, his teacher and I agreed on the number of words he should be tested on. If he could only manage three out of 10 words, I would inform the teacher the morning before the spelling test and he would be marked based on those three words. As his confidence picks up, we would increase the number of test words. It took us two years to attain full marks for his spelling tests, and he is happy that he has reached his goal.

As children with dyslexia require more time and effort to complete their work, I hope that eventually schools will grant them more time to complete their work.

5) What advice would you give to other parents facing similar situations?

P: For parents who suspect that their child may have learning differences, it is good to acknowledge and face the issue. Seek help as soon as possible and do not cast the blame on your spouse but appreciate the child for who he or she is. Do not assume that the child will eventually grow out of it and if the child needs help with learning, it would be beneficial to seek help as soon as possible, instead of waiting until negativity sets in. Once the child feels inferior and thinks that he or she is not good at school work, it will hinder the child’s ability to excel. We live in a fast moving society, so do not let the child get left behind. Seek help and intervention as soon as possible.

The technique of reading and writing (Orton Gillingham Approach) can be applied to all learners, not necessary children with learning differences. Once the child is equipped with the technique, he or she would be able to overcome issues with reading and writing.

I believe that it is important for parents to acquire some techniques in guiding children with various learning differences, for the benefit of both the parent and the child.

For us, every little step is a victory. I would constantly have to remind him that he has already come so far. Instead of comparing my son with other children, I choose to identify his strengths. Keep yourself and your child positive by sharing inspirational stories to encourage each other.

Thank you for sharing your story with us!

UnITE SpLD 2017 Conference


In addition, Dyslexia Association of Singapore (DAS) is hosting a UnITE SpLD 2017 Conference in June, more details as follows: 

Are you keeping in step with the latest developments in the field of Specific Learning Differences?

Be inspired by new ideas and research from experts and practitioners at the highly anticipated annual conference in Singapore, Uniting Ideas in Teaching Excellence: Specific Learning Differences 2017.

Meet more than 200 educators and researchers face-to-face at this three-day event and take home published journals and handbooks. Listen to over 30 research presentations delivered in bite-sized manner by presenters from Asia, Europe and USA.

Topics will cover aspects of behaviour, identification, early intervention, technology, multilingualism, assessment and strategies to help children with special learning needs.

Event Details:

Day 1: Pre Conference Day 2: Conference Day 1   Day 3: Conference Day 2
(DAS Learning Journey)      
Date: Mon, 19 June 2017 Date: Tue, 20 June 2017   Date: Wed, 21 June 2017
Time: 9.30am – 4.00pm Time: 9.30am – 5.00pm   Time: 9.30am – 1.00pm
Venue:   Venue:
DAS Rex House Learning Centre HDB Hub Convention Centre
73 Bukit Timah Road #05-01 HDB Hub Convention Centre Auditorium, Basement 1
Rex House 48 Lorong 6 Toa Payoh
Singapore 229832 Singapore 310480


3-Day UnITE Experience: From $155 (excluding $1 booking fee)

Conference Only: From $106 (excluding $1 booking fee)

Save 10% off your conference by registering early!

Sign up before 2 May 2017 for Early Bird pricing

Tel: +65 6444 5700 (Office hours: Mon-Fri, 9am – 5.30pm)

Enquiries: [email protected]

Event webpage: http://www.das.org.sg/news-events/unite-spld-conference-2017

Online Registration: http://unite2017.eventzilla.net/web/event?eventid=2138890055


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untuk mendapatkan maxwin sweet bonanza 5 shio yang memiliki hoki tertinggi main gates olympus1000 hacker bali bongkar rahasia scatter hitam mahjong wins 3 kelangkaan gas lpg 3 kg dimanfaatkan warga bermain starlight princess1000 dengan fitur maxwin sweet bonanza modal 25k jackpot 45 juta warga tiga raksa antri gas lpg 3 kg main game mudah maxwin olympus1000 di pragmatic play admin pragmatic play bagikan bocoran trik main mahjong wins 3 di bali cara anak messi menang maxwin di wukong rush jackpot captains bounty di pulau jawa jumlah kemenangan pemain baru crazy bomb afb gaming medan terus meningkat strategi kemenangan wild west gold 2 pencuri lucu dari vice city di afb gaming sukses menghibur warga bali 8 tips mendulang cuan bermain dragons fortune dari afb gaming caranya main super rich dari afb gaming main las vegas night di afb gaming makin seru dan lebih menguntungkan sensasi jackpot bermain lucky777 di afb gaming dengan setoran kecil 4 zodiak paling beruntung bulan februari bermain mahjong ways 2 panduan main wild bounty showdown dengan rtp tinggi rahasia mendapatkan scatter berjejer sweet bonanza trik rahasia main spaceman buat saldo atm makin gendut wild bandito game paling progressive scatter 1000 kelipatan cara menurunkan wild dan scatter emas mahjong ways 2 secara beruntun duel mahjong wins 3 vs gates olympus1000 arena pragmatic play jackpot starlight princess1000 meledak di padang kiat sukses mahjong wins 3 modal 25k jadi 45 juta pakai pola suhu topui trik main ways 2 di pg soft bet 400 perak dari ko afuk akun pro mahjong ways 2 server kamboja cara pakai fitur maxwin sweet bonanza fitur baru gates of gatot kaca member baru deposit via dana qris mudah jepe rahasia main mahjong ways 2 tanpa pola ramuan resep scatter mahjong wins 3 dari ko afuk bocoran trik kemenangan candy sweet bonanza game langganan maxwin harian setiap harinya ketahui tips dan strategi bermain olympus1000 starlight princess1000 dengan tongkat petirnya waktu yang pas untuk daftar akun vip bukan sembarang pola olympus1000 semakin gacor peluang jackpot mahjong wins 3 terbuka lebar percayakan semuanya kepada kakek zeus rahasia menang besar di game starlight princess1000 review dan strategi bermain mahjong ways raih cuan gede dengan taktik jitu sensasi bermain the great icescape modal receh starlight princess1000 permainan fenomenal dengan bet receh sweet bonanza scatter dan wild hujan deras trik tersembunyi sweet bonanza cuan berlimpah di bulan februari mahjong ways 2 hasilkan cuan yang mencengangkan manisnya maxwin terbesar dari sweet bonanza maxwin satarlight princess1000 menanti anda sambut jackpot spektakuler mahjong wins 3 halawa berhasil jackpot mahjong ways jam rawan maxwin olympus1000 kabar bahagia dari dunia game kasino online menang hingga mendapatkan jackpot mahjong ways 2 syarat dan tata cara hasilkan jackpot kebanyakan makan alpukat mampu jatuhkan jackpot mahjong wins 3 sudah pasti gacor membagikan jackpot massal mahjong ways membuat akun vip berhasil maxwin 17 juta Menambah Stamina Untuk Melawan Naga Emas gates of olympus1000 hasilkan cuan besar jadi destinasi para pencari maxwin pola racikan acek aliang mampu hasilkan maxwin ubah mentalitas cara bermain game starlight princess1000 wild bandito jadi sumber cuan tanpa henti hancurkan kucing game lucky neko rahasia settingan scatter hitam mahjong wins 3 teknik menang super cepat dan hadiah fantastis teknik wild beruntun mahjong ways trik tersembunyi sweet bonanza 5 trik bermain gates of olympus1000 jangan lewatkan keseruan mahjong wins 3 mahjong ways slot gacor dengan live rtp mahjong wins 3 hadir dengan fitur baru strategi tepat untuk menang di starlight princess1000 cara pakai fitur maxwin starlight princess1000 dengan benar koi gate sukses merebut hati jutaan warga pulau jawa pola olympus1000 dari admin pusat pragmatic play di bandung trik jitu main mahjong wins 3 ala pak asep trik main mahjong ways 2 pg soft di lombok saat weekend aztech gems jadi game paling mudah dimainkan bulan februari event scatter hitam mahjong wins 3 di bandung dan bali fitur maxwin sweet bonanza dari pragmatic play terbongkarnya teka teki meraih jackpot captains bounty wukong rush di pragmatic play meramaikan pesta jackpot di riau pak rido berhasil jackpot main wild west gold pak toty bermain mahjong ways 2 seusai di phk penjual rujak main rujak bonanza jackpot 6 juta pola jitu olympus1000 dari admin pusat pragmatic play di thailand trik fitur maxwin wild ape yang efektif game lawas pragmatic play mudah menang mahjong panda clover gold gold party game mudah maxwin vice city di afb gaming kompetisi jackpot scatter hitam mahjong wins 3 di bali pembagian jackpot scatter wild west gold semakin meluas padang dibanjiri jackpot wajah baru mahjong ways 2 mencuri perhatian warga bandung dan jogja cara mudah maxwin wild bounty showdown pragmatic play jackpot scatter hitam mahjong wins 3 scatter gratis mahjong wins 3 olympus1000 trik maxwin starlight princess1000 modal kecil viking forge banyak dimainkan warga kalbar sehabis pulang kerja aztech gems pragmatic play game terbaik bulan januari februari bandung dan bali mahjong wins 3 pragmatic play di nagabet76 langsung kasih pemain baru jackpot the wild gang favorit game favorit warga medan tips bermain gates olympus dice untuk pemain pemula ko nando wisdom of athena pragmatic play sukses berikan kemenangan warga jambi dan lampung event game mudah menang olympus1000 di surabaya diramaikan media asing mahjong wins 3 game favorit warga bali persiapan main olympus1000 pragmatic play pola captains bounty dari admin dijamin wede strategi unik pemain bali memenangkan permainan wukong rush 2 kemenangan indah warga suka bumi di zeus vs hades pecahkan rekor muri 5 rekomendasi google game mudah menang untuk pemula kontes game muda maxwin starlight princess1000 di dubai rujak bonanza game penuh manfaat dan baik untuk kesehatan wild west gold game terbaik bulan ini 6 trik membaca rtp wild bandito agar bisa menang konsisten 10 cara menghindari kekalahan bermain mahjong ways 2 cocok untuk pemula jadwal bermain game mudah menang viking forge untuk pemula koi gate game paling banyak dimainkan di bali mahjong wins 3 dan starlight princess 1000 game mudah menang di medan dan padang bermain olympus1000 dan ciptakan maxwin berkali kali jackpot yang paling besar yaitu scatter emas jatuhkan jackpot scatter hitam mahjong wins 3 mahjong ways adalah game yang paling gacor siap bertempur melawan naga hitam mahjong wins 3 banjir scatter dan wild di mahjong ways bermain cerdas di starlight princess1000 game sweet bonanza yang berikan hujan kemenangan jebol jackpot mahjong ways 2 terapkan trik lucky neko mahjong ways banjirkan scatter dan wild mengasah strategi menaklukkan game sweet bonanza orang cerdas main starlight princess1000 tunggu apalagi ayo bermain mahjong ways 2 wild bandito bukanlah game murahan bocoran cara mendapatkan maxwin olympus1000 di bandung cara main koi gate yang benar dan mendapatkan scatter tambahan cara mendapatkan scatter tambahan starlight princess1000 di pragmatic play cara mendapatkan scatter tambahan wukong rush mitos scatter aztec gems pg soft dan tips jackpot 7 keuntungan main 7 clovers of fortune pragmatic play 10 manfaat buah apel di rujak bonanza cerita kemenangan legenda wisdom of athena1000 pragmatic play sangat menakjubkan tips maxwin 5 lions megaways dan jackpot secara beruntun wukong rush di pragmatic play berhasil mencuri perhatian gen z semarang 14 pro versi indonesia paling cocok main monkey jump di nextspin server indonesia cerita jujur pemain wukong rush di jambi behasil jackpot besar golden west nextspin mudah menang di lombok naga hitam mahjong dragon nextspin kepuncak kekayaan hidup testimonial pemain candy bonanza nextspin yang sudah merasakan jackpot bocoran pola menang besar candy rush di advantplay dengan modal kecil jam gacor fortune warrior di advantplay ketahui kelebihan game mudah menang slotto4d di advantplay keuntungan main koi gate di habanero dengan modal kecil serunya bermain ninja legend di advantplay berikan sensasi jepe terbaik artis kpop main olympus1000 dengan santai berujung jackpot jackpot sweet bonanza1000 mengikuti arahan admin jackpot vice city di afb gaming dengan modal 25 ribu master afuk di taiwan bagikan tips maxwin king of arena di afb gaming perayaan jackpot scatter hitam mahjong ways 2 di dumai 7 strategi jackpot game lucky neko cairkan cuan besar di bulan ini cara pakai turbo yang benar dan tepat game mahjong ways 2 simbol keberuntungan kejar bonus ekstra tanpa ribet dapatkan jackpot scatter hitam tanpa ribet mengungkap rahasia pola game gates of olympus1000 rahasia gacor bermain game mahjong ways strategi baru agar mudah maxwin starlight princess1000 uji keberuntungan besar di mahjong ways 2 5 alasan kenapa orang kaya makin kaya cara jitu jatuhkan maxwin starlight princess1000 makanan terbaik untuk menjaga kesehatan otak rincian lengkap bagaimana cara menang besar scatter emas pasti jatuh hasilkan cuan besar dapatkan saldo dana hingga jutaan setiap harinya game pencetak mesin uang mahjong ways membagikan cuan besar di game mahjong ways pola scatter kucing emas di lucky neko rtp wild bandito pg soft tertinggi bawa starlight princess1000 jadi ladang penghasilan cuan fitur spektakuler gates of gatot kaca mahjong ways 2 dengan peluang menang lebih besar putar keberuntunganmu di the great icescape waktu yang mudah maxwin starlight princess1000 jadilah suhu dalam bermain mahjong ways 2 lewat kejutan fantastis sweet bonanza menangkan hadiah ratusan juta mahjong ways pola dan trik super gacor olympus1000 strategi baru pola mahjong wins 3 cara seru bermain game sambil menghasilkan uang jangan lengah main mahjong wins 3 menang maksimal di mahjong ways server kamboja ternyata scatter hitam mahjong wins 3 asli terungkap pola scatter emas mahjong ways 2 cara cerdas menang game mahjong ways 2 dijamin langsung bisa withdraw besar mahjong ways fenomena scatter hitam mahjong wins 3 free spin berurut turut di lucky neko trik tangkap scatter hitam mahjong wins 3 berikan jackpot scatter hitam mahjong wins 3 ikuti pola viral di tik tok meracik pola cantik game gates of olympus1000 pinguin pg soft lagi bagi bagi jackpot pola mendapatkan jackpot scatter hitam bongkar pola rahasia yang auto maxwin era baru dunia kasino online olympus1000 jatuhnya scatter beruntun di mahjong ways main mahjong ways 2 bisa langsung jackpot pola mahjong ways duit mengalir seperti air bongkar trik jackpot paus gates of olympus1000 hasilkan kemenangan besar di starlight princess1000 keuntungan besar saat bermain gates of olympus1000 trik dan pola indah mendatangkan scatter hitam trik ini agar rutin jatuhkan scatter cara cepat menang mahjong wins 3 pakai fitur maxwin cara menaklukkan naga hitam mahjong ways pg soft cara menang beruntun dari wild bandito cara mudah menang main mahjong ways 2 pg soft tips menang konsisten starlight princess1000 4 kesalahan yang wajib dihindari agar sukses bermain wisdom of athena 6 pengaruh mahjong ways 2 di pg soft untuk kesehatan otak anak 8 trik mudah menang main aztech gems mahjong wins 3 game paling mudah menang tips mudah maxwin dragon hatch yang jarang diketahui 6 rahasia sukses pemain wukong rush di jambi 7 cara efektif bermain sugar rush dengan depo kecil cara mudah menang starlight princess 1000 panduan mudah menang bonanza gold strategi bermain lucky neko di pragmatic play 5 kesalahan pemula bermain starlight princess1000 6 hal penyebab kekalahan main mahjong ways 2 10 hal sepele penyebab kekalahan main wild bandito hindari 7 hal sepele ini agar terhindar dari kekalahan main mahjong wins 3 trik main wukong rush untuk pemula agar cepat maxwin jangan lakukan 3 kesalahan ini saat bermain captains bounty jangan lakukan 4 kesalahan ini main koi gate trik main rujak bonanza cepat maxwin untuk pemula trik main sweet bonanza agar cepat maxwin untuk pemula trik main wild west gold agar cepat maxwin untuk pemula trik mudah maxwin main gatotkaca trik mudah menang main gates of olympus trik mudah menang main lucky neko trik mudah menang main tiger fortune trik mudah menang main zeus vs hades