Manga Comics on ‘The Story of LKY’ Book Launch

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The comic series is written by Japanese Author Yoshio Nabeta (L) with Our Parenting World team (M) and illustrated by Manga Artist Toshiki Takii (R)

Following the success of the earlier book launched on Singapore’s founding father, Lee Kuan Yew manga-style biographical comic book on 25 October 2016, young readers can now look forward to a new two-part biographical comic book series that pays tribute to the life and work of Mr Lee Kuan Yew released in Singapore bookstores on 25 May 2017 titled “The Story of LKY”. This new comic book series is catered to primary school children. 

The Story of LKY Book Launch 1

The new manga series of The Story of LKY was launched at National Library yesterday by Shogakukan Asia to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Singapore-Japan relations. This is the second manga title on Mr Lee Kuan Yew from Shogakukan Asia. It is well-known for its publication including the popular Pokemon, Detective Conan and more!

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Manga Artist Toshiki Takii did a live demonstration of how he drew Mr Lee Kuan Yew. He told the media that he tried to make Mr Lee’s eyes as attractive as possible because he is the main character of the story. 

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The young Mr Lee Kuan Yew in manga-style! 

Children will enjoy this simplified version of Singapore’s founding father story being illustrated in a lively manner. This 2 part series comic book, the first book, Growing Up focuses on the early life of Mr Lee and covers his experiences in World War II. The second book focuses on Road to Independence on major events in Singapore like the forming of People’s Action Party (PAP), Singapore’s merger and separation from Malaya. Young readers will have a better understanding of Mr Lee and Singapore. 

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You can also read about Channel NewsAsia Coverage of the book launch HERE.  

The Story of LKY, a new two-part biographical comic book series about Mr Lee Kuan Yew, is now available at all major Singapore bookstores!




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