Pet-Friendly Plants and Flowers

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Our cuddly and furry companions may be great sources of joy and affection, but it can also be stressful trying to train and discipline them around the house. Not only do you have to deal with their indiscriminate chewing of any toy and furniture, you also have to worry over the possibility of them ingesting toxic substances. In fact, despite the delicate appearance of flowers, they can be dangerous and even life-threatening to pets. Ingesting the wrong sorts of flowers can lead to diarrhoea, vomiting, loss of appetite and seizures.

Among the most poisonous flowers for pets are perennials like daisy, chrysanthemum and carnation. Likewise, that bouquet of tulips from your online florist is better placed out of reach of your cats and dogs if you want them to stay healthy. On the other hand, here are a few pet-friendly plants and flowers to help you bloom your home.



These sunshine-y blooms are beacons of positivity just like your pet. So don’t think twice about planting it in your garden or getting some fresh cut flowers to display on your kitchen table. They’re perfectly safe for cats and dogs.



Petunias are actually natural insect repellents. They repel asparagus beetles, leafhoppers, a range of aphids, tomato worms, among others. Fortunately, they’re non-toxic to your pawesome companions. They’re pretty, keep your garden insect-free and pose no threat to your pets. What can be better than that?



For pet owners who are not blessed with a green thumb, zinnias are your perfect choice of blooms. They’re low-maintenance and can last as long as a month as cut flowers, provided you change the water in the vase every couple of days. The best part? An accidental nibble of these flowers or drinking the water inside the container won’t have any adverse effects on both cats and dogs.



Another hardy plant you can keep around the house are bamboos. Tropical homes and homeowners looking to replicate a spa-like environment turn to bamboo for a soothing ambience. However, don’t confuse Lucky Bamboos as the same species. While also appealing and great home accessories, they’re actually not part of the bamboo family. They’re the same plant family as the lily which is highly poisonous to pets. Lucky bamboo is particularly harmful to cats. Once ingested, cats can exhibit various symptoms including depression, weakness and vomiting.



This attractive and colourful flower grows effortlessly in tropical countries like Singapore. To add a bit of colour and life to your personal space without too much upkeep, you can’t go wrong with the Hibiscus flower. Plus, you don’t have to keep a close eye on your pets possibly munching on them.

For other flower varieties, you can always consult an online florist. A Better Florist has a team of professional florists who can help you out with your floral inquiries and needs. They’ve also expanded their operations in Hong Kong and Dubai so more people can experience the healing magic of gorgeous flowers.

There you have it! You can have plants and flowers in your home without unwittingly endangering your pets. And in case you want to send a bouquet to a fellow pet owner, the classic long-stemmed roses are actually non-toxic to pets as well.


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